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Somme American Cemetery

Plan your visit to Somme American Cemetery

Getting There

Somme American Cemetery is situated a half mile southwest of the village of Bony (Aisne), France, which is one and half miles west of highway D1044, 13 miles north of St. Quentin and 14 miles southwest of Cambrai.


The cemetery is open daily to the public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., except December 25 and January 1. It is open on host country holidays. When the cemetery is open to the public, a staff member is on duty in the visitor building to answer questions and escort relatives to grave and memorial sites.

Admission is FREE and does not require booking in advance.
American Cemetery

The road leading to Bony leaves highway D1044 10 miles north of St. Quentin, a short distance north of the American monument near Bellicourt. The cemetery, 98 miles northeast of Paris, can also be reached by automobile via the Paris-Lille toll autoroute (A-1) to exit 13, “VallĂ©e de la Somme,” then to Vermand and Bellenglise, or Lille-Reims toll autoroute (A-26) exit 9, via highway N-44 south for seven and a half miles to Bony.

Trains from Paris (Gare du Nord) travel to Cambrai.

Paris is approximately 98 miles southwest of the cemetery.

Hotels are available in Peronne, St. Quentin, and Cambrai.

Burial Search

More than 200,000 fallen service members are honored at an ABMC site. Search the burial database.


Contact Us

Somme American Cemetery
American Cemetery
+33 (0)3 23 66 87 20