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Corozal American Cemetery

Plan your visit to Corozal American Cemetery

Getting There

Corozal American Cemetery is located approximately three miles north of Panama City, Republic of Panama.

The main entrance is shared between the American cemetery and the Panamanian cemetery. You will see a wrought iron gate and a sign that reads Corozal American Cemetery on the entrance pillars to mark this main entrance.


The cemetery is open daily to the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The visitors building is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., where a staff member is on duty to answer questions and escort relatives to grave and memorial sites. The cemetery is closed December 25 and January 1. It is open on host country holidays.

Admission is FREE and does not require booking in advance.
Calle Rufina Alfaro
Edif. #6566

The cemetery is located just off Avenue Omar Torrijos Herrera between the Panama Canal Railway Company Train Station and Ciudad Del Saber (formerly Fort Clayton). Turn right on Calle Rufina Alfaro at the Crossroads Bible Church and proceed about a half mile to the cemetery, which is located on the left side of the road.

Panama City is about seven miles from the cemetery.

Taxi and bus service are available from Panama City.

Burial Search

More than 200,000 fallen service members are honored at an ABMC site. Search the burial database.


Contact Us

Corozal American Cemetery
Calle Rufina Alfaro
Edif. #6566