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Brookwood American Cemetery marks the conclusion of ABMC’s centennial year by laying poppy wreaths

Published December 21, 2023

To mark the conclusion of ABMC’s centennial year, volunteers of local associations placed poppy wreaths at the foot of each headstone at Brookwood American Cemetery, England, Dec. 16, 2023.

Poppy wreaths decorate the graves at Brookwood American Cemetery to mark the conclusion of ABMC’s centennial year.

Poppies have become a national symbol of remembering and honoring World War I fallen in the United Kingdom.

The event was organized in collaboration with Sunbelt Rentals and Poppy Scotland. Employees from both organizations joined volunteers from American Legion Post 1, Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Last Post Association, Museum of Military Medicine, Surrey Scouts, other local associations, and staff along with their family members, and residents, honored the 1,032 American World War I fallen buried and memorialized by name here.

After all wreaths were laid, a bulger and bagpipers paid a final tribute by playing Taps and Amazing Grace.

The wreaths will be passed on to local veterans and commemorative organizations to continue their remembrance journey. 

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About ABMC

The American Battle Monuments Commission operates and maintains 26 cemeteries and 31 federal memorials, monuments and commemorative plaques in 17 countries throughout the world, including the United States. 

Since March 4, 1923, the ABMC’s sacred mission remains to honor the service, achievements, and sacrifice of more than 200,000 U.S. service members buried and memorialized at our sites. 

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