ARLINGTON, Va. (May 3, 2024) —The American Battle Monuments Commission is pleased to announce the selection of the 2024 ABMC Fellows. The ABMC International Fellowship was established in 2022 to provide participants the opportunity to contribute and bring awareness to the ABMC mission of preserving America’s military cemeteries and monuments throughout the world while also fostering leadership and management skills.
Air Force ROTC cadets Anaiya Harris from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and Catherine Prince from Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan, will participate in the two-week program that will include ABMC mission orientation and deployment to the Netherlands American Cemetery for hands-on involvement with the cemetery’s Memorial Day commemoration.
“We congratulate Anaiya and Catherine and look forward to welcoming them as part of our team over Memorial Day,” said ABMC Secretary Charles K. Djou. “It’s so important we continue to honor the service and sacrifice of our service members from generations past and educate our future generations on the costs of freedom.”
The Commission’s vice chairman, retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Dan Woodward, also welcomed the inaugural fellows.
“After a successful inaugural year, we’re excited to welcome our second cohort for the fellowship program,” Woodward said. “As future military leaders it is important for the cadets to understand the profound service and sacrifice that gives Americans the freedom we enjoy today.”
Funding for the Fellows program is provided by the American Battle Monuments Foundation, the non-profit partner of the American Battle Monuments Commission.
Following this fellowship, the cadets will become ABMC Mission Ambassadors, helping connect peers and other college students to the agency’s objectives and century-long history.
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Cadet Anaiya Harris
Brigham Young University
Cadet Catherine Prince
Michigan Technological University
Media interested in interviewing ABMC leadership or the 2024 fellows should contact:
Anna Morelock (U.S.)
+1 703-584-1535
About American Battle Monuments Commission:
The American Battle Monuments Commission operates and maintains 26 cemeteries and 31 federal memorials, monuments, and commemorative plaques in 17 countries throughout the world, including three in the United States: the Honolulu Memorial located within the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii; the West Coast Memorial located within the Presidio National Park in San Francisco, Calif; and the East Coast Memorial located within Battery City Park in New York, N.Y. Since March 4, 1923, ABMC’s sacred mission remains to honor the service, achievements, and sacrifice of more than 200,000 U.S. service members buried and memorialized at our sites.
About Netherlands American Cemetery:
About American Battle Monuments Foundation:
The American Battle Monuments Foundation, the non-profit partner of the American Battle Monuments Commission, honors the sacrifices of nearly 234,000 men and women who fought to protect our freedoms, died, and are buried or missing away from the homeland, as well as the millions of others who have served with honor and distinction when called to duty. Through education and outreach, ABMF ensures that their legacy remains relevant so that future generations may live in liberty. For more information about ABMF, visit