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ABMC honors Americans buried and memorialized overseas this Memorial Day weekend

Published May 27, 2024

The American Battle Monuments Commission honored Americans buried and memorialized overseas through Memorial Day ceremonies May 23-27 across its 26 cemeteries, commemorating more than 200,000 American fallen heroes. 

“Commemorating Memorial Day at an ABMC site is an opportunity to connect with our history and the principles of freedom and democracy that bind us to emerge from difficult times stronger and more unified as a nation,” said ABMC Secretary Charles K. Djou. “It reminds us of the promise Gen. John J. Pershing made more than 100 years ago that ‘time will not dim the glory of their deeds.’” 

ABMC Secretary Charles K. Djou provides remarks at Florence American Cemetery on Memorial Day, May 27, 2024.

Djou spoke at the Florence American Cemetery May 27 in Italy. U.S. military and government officials spoke at other ceremonies across ABMC’s sites. 

At Normandy American Cemetery, officials, guests and members of the public gathered to honor the more than 9,000 World War II American servicemen and women who gave their lives during the D-Day landings and ensuing battle of Normandy. 

Ahead of the 80th anniversary of the allied landings of June 6, 1944, remarks were provided by Mayor of Colleville-sur-Mer Patrick Thomines, U.S. European Command Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Peter B. Andrysiak, Prefect of Calvados Stéphane Bredin, and U.S. Consul for Western France Elizabeth W. Webster. 

Mayor of Colleville-sur-Mer Patrick Thomines, Prefect of Calvados Stéphane Bredin, U.S. Consul for Western France Elizabeth W. Webster, and U.S. European Command Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Peter B. Andrysiak arrive at Normandy American Cemetery, as the Memorial Day ceremony begins, May 26, 2024.

At Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Eric M. Smith spoke to the courage and sacrifice of those Marines who fought in the vicinity of Belleau Wood in 1918.

GĂ©nĂ©ral d’armĂ©e Pierre Schill, Chef d’armĂ©e de l’armĂ©e de terre française, in the name of the French Army, General Eric Smith, Commandant of United States Marine Corps, in the name of the United States Marine Corps, and Brigadier General Christian Hubert Friedl, Commander of the Franco-German Brigade, in the name of the German army, lay memorial wreaths at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, May 26, 2024.

Each and every day, ABMC staff throughout the world honor America’s fallen service members overseas and continue to share the stories of service and sacrifice of those we honor and memorialize. 

Memorial Day is a day when we join with our partners to collectively remember those who died serving our country. 


To view photos and videos from our Memorial Day ceremonies, please visit our Flickr page, YouTube channel and other social media accounts. 

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About ABMC

The American Battle Monuments Commission operates and maintains 26 cemeteries and 31 federal memorials, monuments and commemorative plaques in 17 countries throughout the world, including the United States. 

Since March 4, 1923, the ABMC’s sacred mission remains to honor the service, achievements, and sacrifice of more than 200,000 U.S. service members buried and memorialized at our sites. 

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